
Welcome! My name is James and I am an award winning Designer currently leading UX Research efforts at: UNFI

Design brings people closer to one another. Therefore, I choose to contribute by making software intended to improve peoples lives. My current obsession is identifying, measuring, and alleviating frustrations from peoples digital experiences. What sets me apart from my peers is my relentless desire to go and talk to users in their personal context and my eye for those simple interactions that evoke unexpected emotions. The last thing you should know about me is I spend an incredible amount of time chasing down the curiousity I derive from my work.

Outside of work, I have a passion for running, spatial computing, endurance motorsports, esports, premium consumer hardware, and visual storytelling. My favorite books are "The Way Things Work" and "D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths". And my favorite movies are "Snatch" and "Dune: Part Two". Below you will find a selection of work that I am proud to have been a part of.



Incorporating the Voice of the Customer into our Design Process Sim Racing Rig
Re-imagining Employee Staffing in 2021 Autonomous Car Dashboard
A New Library for Enterprise Thought Leadership Resources Hardware Wallet
Crafting Complex Personas to Better Understand User Flows Motion Graphics
New England’s White Glove Single-Source Moving Solution Urban Design Studies
A New Way for Parents to Find Their Closest Childcare Facility Logo Designs
WCAG Compliance Standards
↗ Simplifying High-Performance Global Defense Marketing
↗ Finding a New Home for Enterprise Data Delivery
↗ Re-visiting the Experience for College Admissions Assistance
↗ Updating the Homepage for Enterprise Childcare Solutions
↗ Creating a Simplified Form for Childcare Lead Generation
↗ Modernizing a Law Office's Homepage for New Visitors
↗ Analyzing User Behavior to Refresh Site Architecture
↗ A New Face for Maine's State-of-the-Art Adult Use Cannabis